Refund Plan provided by
We reserve the right to amend or revise the Refund Plan at any time without notice, please check these terms regularly. Any changes to the Refund Plan apply to your ticket purchase with immediate effect from the date of publication on our website.
These terms were most recently updated on 25th January 2023.
You will be provided with a refund on any unused booking if you are unable to attend the booked event due to any of the circumstances set out in this document. If the booked event is rescheduled, the refund plan will be extended to the new date of the booked event. Please note that this Refund Plan is not an insurance.
The following words or phrases have the meaning shown below wherever they appear in bold in this document.
Booking/booked event
The pre-planned and pre-booked service(s) / event(s) / ticket(s) transacted with us by you.
A qualified medical practitioner who is registered with a recognised professional body. A doctor cannot be you or your immediate family.
Emergency services
The Police, Fire and Rescue Service or Emergency Medical Services.
Any number of people who have made a booking with us with the Refund Plan in the same transaction.
A physical or mental condition confirmed by a doctor that prevents you from attending the booked event. For the avoidance of doubt, Covid-19 shall not be deemed an illness for the purposes of the Refund Plan unless it is confirmed by a doctor that it is preventing you from attending the booked event.
A bodily injury confirmed by a doctor that prevents you from attending the booked event.
Immediate family
Your husband, wife, partner, civil partner, parent, child, brother or sister.
Public transport network
Any mode of public transport other than public hire taxis licensed for public use on you had planned to travel to a booked event.
A non-refundable, authorised ticket that was purchased from us where the Refund Plan has been purchased at the same time as purchasing the ticket(s).
The booking vendor with whom you made the booking.
A person who has made a booking alone or as part of a group with us.
When will we offer a refund?
We will refund the cost of your booking if you are unable to attend a booked event due to:
unexpected disruption of the public transport network which could not have been reasonably known about before the date or time of the booked event.
- your death, or an injury or illness to you;
- the death, injury or illness of any person in the group due to attend the booked event with you, if they are the sole other member of the group;
- the death of a member of your immediate family which occurs within the 4 weeks leading up to the booked event;
- you are unable to attend due to the following COVID related circumstances:
- You have tested positive for Covid 19 either by PCR or LFT self-test (proof of positive test result will be required);
- You are currently symptomatic of COVID-19 and awaiting the results of/will be taking a PCR test (proof of test result positive or negative will be required);
- the mechanical breakdown, accident, fire or theft en route of a private vehicle taking you to the booked event;
- jury service of which you had not received notice at the time of the booking provided you produce the original dated jury invitation inviting you to be a juror;
- burglary or fire at your residence in the 48 hours immediately before the booked event requiring attendance of the emergency services;
- you being summoned to appear in court proceedings as a witness of which you had not received notice at the time of booking;
- you being a member of the armed forces and being posted abroad and/or having leave withdrawn unexpectedly;
- adverse weather where the Met Office have issued a red weather warning or where the Police service or other Government agency have issued a specific warning not to travel. You must provide confirmation of relevant road closures from the Police or the relevant Government agency.
When we will not refund?
We will not provide a refund where:
- any circumstance which prevents you from attending a booked event you could have reasonably known about at the time of the booking;
- you cannot provide suitable supporting documentation, including a doctor’s report for accident or illness or a death certificate where your refund request is for death;
- you are prevented from travelling to a booked event due to disruption of the public transport network which is public knowledge prior to the booked event;
- you can recover any part of the booking;
- in our reasonable opinion, you did not allow sufficient time to travel to a booked event;
- you carry out a criminal act which prevents you attending a booked event;
- you make a false or fraudulent refund application or support a refund application by false or fraudulent document, device or statement;
- you are prevented from travelling to a booked event due to an outbreak of a contagious disease and the Government or any agency acting on behalf of the Government has imposed a ban on travel.
- you decide not to attend a booked event other than for a reason covered by this refund plan;
- you cannot provide evidence of the unused tickets when applying for a refund.
- you request a refund after an event has passed.
General Conditions
The following apply to ALL requests for a refund:
- you must make all necessary arrangements to arrive at the event on time and be prepared to evidence the same;
- you must take all reasonable precautions to prevent or reduce any request for a refund or the amount to be refunded.
- refund protection is non-refundable unless cancelled within 14 days of purchase and the booking has not taken place. To cancel the refund protection, you need to contact the vendor within 14 days.
- We will use your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and our privacy policy, a copy of which can be found on our website or requested by contacting us.
Requesting a Refund
Notify us as soon as possible should you need to make a claim.
To help us process your claim quickly, please share as much information with us as possible, including the name and date of the booked event, your Order ID, and attach any supporting documents.
You can contact us by emailing: [email protected]